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Watching 12 million monkeys

I didn't really mean to do this, its just a displacement activity to avoid doing my tax return. Yesterday I wrote some thoughts about possibilities for tracking links as they propagated through livejournal.

I've put together a quick hack demo - obviously this is only a small window onto the data being collected, my main interest is finding entry points into the LJ culture and watching the propagation of information through the ecosystem, but there isn't anything like enough data for that kind of mining yet.

Also notice that some of these links are required by the use of image hosting and other external service providers, so they don't really mean anything.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 21, 2007 6:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was First end to end for 'Wheres Neil?'.

The next post in this blog is LJ Toy Update.

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